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Bar Hill Active Travel Survey
Meeting Dates for 2024/25
Dry Drayton Parish Council & Speed Watch have brought a Mobile Vehicle-Activated Speed Sign (MVAS) into operation on 15th December 2021

Welcome to the Dry Drayton Parish Council website
This website enables Dry Drayton Parish Council to meet its obligations under the December 2014 Transparency Code For Smaller Authorities. The code was issued to meet the Government's desire to place more power into citizens' hands to increase democratic accountability. Transparency gives local people the tools and information they need to hold local public bodies to account.
All are welcome to attend and speak during the public session of Dry Drayton Parish Council meetings. It would be helpful if correspondence could reach the Chairman (cllr.aldersley@drydraytonpc.org.uk) or Clerk (clerk@drydraytonpc.org.uk) at least 7 days before meetings.